React Developer
Implements modern React architecture and best practices while maintaining a familiarity with legacy methodologies. Translates pre-16.8 codebases into fresh, concurrent-mode enabled @latest.
UI Engineer
Approaches application architecture and UI design with empathy and knowledge of assistive technologies and W3C/WAI-ARIA standards. Delivers a rad experience to users of all stripes.
Full-Stack Typescript
API development with Node and Typescript. JSDOC/TSDOC for documentation. Leverages Docker to quickly implement and iterate on backend systems to meet data and UI requirements.

Recent work:

Crypto Tx Db + API

API and database for an accountant at a leading company in the NFT gaming industry. Utilized Typescript, Prisma, Docker and PostgreSQL to deliver an extendable, scalable, and type-safe solution with robust documentation for multiple endpoints and data shapes.

React Optimizations

Multiple migrations, audits, and optimizations of different React applications. Leveraged my understanding of various historical React patterns and the value judgements undergirding different internal APIs to quickly decipher design decisions and optimize performance.

Current Projects


Lightweight CMS desktop application built with NeutralinoJS and React. Developed for the purpose of managing content on the blog and projects page on this website. Currently comparing performance and functionality of NeutralinoJS vs Electron, with plans to provide more functionality for note-keeping and project planning.


Minimal and distraction-free collaborative education platform inspired by the Socratic Method and distributed decision making processes, Critos is a platform that allows users to design curricula and structure learning experiences across multiple formats, and prompt course participants to engage thoughtfully with texts with longer-form responses.


crypTones was inspired by techniques for composing generative music, data sonification, and modular synthesis. Featuring two unique algorithms for converting cryptocurrency price data into sequences of frequency values, and multiple additional parameters such as filtering notes based on key and mode, millions of unique combinations are possible from the same set of an initial data.
Want to collaborate? Send me an email, or message me on Discord!

Always be coding.

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